How can you help even more? Become a Member!
The P&C meets the second Wednesday of the month during the school term at 6:30pm in the teacher's staffroom. Anyone, member or not, are welcome at meetings and becoming a member is not a commitment to attend each one. The school principal attends all meetings and gives a report on events and relevant educational projects happening within the school. At these meetings reports are presented and upcoming fundraising events and ideas are also discussed. You are welcome to join the P&C at any meeting throughout the year and you do not have to have attended the AGM to join.
The P&C consists of an Executive Committee, Sub Committee Conveners and General Financial Members. The executive committee positions include the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and the Contact Officer. Our Sub Committees are Fundraising and Canteen. The executive committee positions and the Conveners of the sub committees of the P&C are elected into position at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) once per year on the second Wednesday in March at 6:30pm.
If you are interested in a position on the P&C please fill out this membership form and become a financial member at or before the February meeting so that you are able to be nominated for a position and vote at the AGM. Contact the P&C at anytime on email
- 8 February
- 8 March (AGM)
- 8 March
- 10 May
- 14 June
- 9 August
- 13 September
- 11 October
- 8 November
- 13 December
Freemans Reach Public School P&C General Meeting Agenda
- Attendance and Apologies
- Minutes from previous meeting
- Business arising from previous minutes
- Correspondence
- Business arising from correspondence
- Motions Carried Outside of meeting Report
- Treasurer Report
- Canteen Coordinator Report
- Fundraising Coordinator Report
- Principal Report
- General Business
- Set next General Meeting
- Close Meeting (Time Noted)
If you would like to add items to the agenda, please email the Secretary before the meeting. -